Last Saturday I'd agreed to go along with my friend Lizzy to a 'Fusion' fun-day out.....translation = early rise for an activity day for local young people. It was such an awesome day! I was on the Pink Team, which became 'The Pink Bandits' (pink scarves over our faces) and later morphed into 'The Pink Pirates of Penzance & The Pink Pearl" with the addition of 'PPP' face-paints!
It's hard to keep this short as we did so much but here are some bullet-points:
- Aussie-dodgeball with GIANT gym-balls
- Building a fort, complete with "PPP" logo AND an ingenious painting of the Aussie flag....but with a skull & crossbones replacing the Union-Jack part top-left! we even had a song & chant, shouting PARLAY at the end!
- Skavenger Hunt around Kambah (we later learnt it's the biggest suburb in the SOuthern Hemisphere) where we had to gather clues and take photos of items on a list...highlights include 'the ugliest stick' (we wrote 'Ugliest' on a random stick), foto with a team-members' 92-yr old Grandad, a horse, upside-down foto of a team-mate in shopping trolley (BTW, Aussies LOVE putting shopping trolley's in random places!)
- More fun aussie team-games, 'Music Director' being an interesting one.
- Great food organised for lunch and dinner
- Chances to chat to kids about faith and God, had a talk in evening which was really good.
- For me personally it was fantastic to spend a day with so many nice adults and the 6 kids we had, just experiencing the Aussie culture is great enough, I LOVE AUSTRALIA!!!
Fusion are an organisation who operate around the globe, organising day trips for young people to provide them with a safe haven, fun and fellowship including teaching and response times about God.
For some reason I can only upload one photo per blog entry before the site crashes, so you'll have to make do with the photo below (rest are on my flickr account under title "Canberra - Pink Pirates")
"sheeva me timberrrs? showing my ignorance- expliques-moi,por pavor? for want of something to comment- well to encourage you really as no one has commented yet!!!!
i meant "por favor"(espanish)
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